본문 바로가기


Consent Form for Provision and Use of Personal Information

With regards to the following information acquired by the company in relation to “Inquiry about Group Events”, the company shall obtain consent from the person the information was acquired from when providing the information to other parties or using the information in accordance with Articles 23 and 24 of the “Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.” and the “Credit Information and Protection Act.”

I hereby agree that your company can collect the information for services relevant to “Inquiry about Group Event” and use it to confirm facts as to the opinions of mine for “Inquiry about Group Event” or apply it for provision of services covering use of rooms as well as its analysis and statistical data.

Also, I agree that your company may keep my personal data for up to one (1) year and that the data will be immediately destroyed once the keeping period expires or the purposes of provision and use have been fulfilled.

Provided Personal Information
  • Individual identification data (company name, name of responsible person, email, telephone number and mobile phone number, etc.)

The above-presented contents related to collection and use of personal data may be refused. If there is no agreement to provision and use of personal data, ‘Application for Group Event’ may hardly be processed or used and there will be no registration.




  • 个人识别信息(公司名称,负责人姓名,电子邮箱,电话号码,手机号码等)





  • 個人識別情報(会社名、担当者名、電子メール、電話番号、携帯番号など)


게시물 글쓰기
Reservation 글쓰기 - 신청자, 이메일, 구분, 예약시작일, 예약종료일, 예약인원, 문의내용 입력
신청자 필수

주의사항 You must have a password in order to check inquiries. 需要密码才能查询所咨询的内容。 お問い合わせメッセージをご確認頂くためには、パスワードが必ず必要です。