본문 바로가기
High1 Resort telephone number is 1588-7789

Room reservation and golf reservation are 09~18 and 09~17, respectively. We also give you other telephone numbers for each shop and worksite at High1 Resort.

For a direct call, press

033-590-**** (enter the direct phone number of the worksite you want in *)

High1 Hotel

전화번호 안내 - 프론트,벨데스크,H/K,하이랜드,룸서비스,버디버디 스크린 골프&바 항목과 연회/예약은 가족행사, 법인행사로 구분하여 구성
Front Desk 7111~3
Bell Desk 7117
H/K 7123,7126
Highland 7155~6
Room Service 7107~9
Birdie Buddy Screen Golf & Bar 7371~2
Banquets/Reservations Family Events 6717
Family Events 6924