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Mountain Deluxe Room

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Rooms of the same type may look different from the above-presented image.


At the regular guestroom of Mountain Condominium, you can experience special treatment with your family beyond your expectations. The room is made with marble and hardwood flooring to ensure comfortable rest for you. The exotic ambience of the room offers comfort and pleasure that cannot be had in the city.

객실 상세정보입니다
Name of Room Room Code Fees Number of People Number of Rooms Size Check-in/
Name of RoomMountain Deluxe Room Room CodeMDR Fees₩ 400,000 Number of People5 Number of Rooms124 Size109.2 Check-in/Check-outPM03 / AM11

Check-in and check-out time will be changed to 3 PM and 11 AM, respectively during holidays, peak season and semi-peak season.

Services provided

Fixtures and Other Things/Consumables

  • electronicsTV / Telephone / Refrigerator / Air Conditioner / Induction Range (Exclusive Pots/Frying Pans) / Hair Dryer(Comb X)/ Electric Rice Cooker, Coffee Pot
  • DishesFixed Number of People to Stay : Rice Bowls, Soup Bowls, Coffee Cup, Water Glass, Spoon, Chopstick Basic Setting : Ladle, Scissors, Rice Paddle, Chef’s Knife, Fruit Knife, Cutting Board, Mixing Bowl, Dishes, Pot Stand, Kitchen Detergent, Dishcloth, Tray, Slotted Spatula ※ Dishes and electronics cannot be used additionally. / cooking tongs X

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- If you enter at or after 22:00 PM, contact Front Desk in advance. - Room fees include VAT. The fees will change based on High1 Resort operation policies and depending on peak season/off-season. - If you request for arrangement by telephone, the room will be repaired. However, this is limited to the rooms where customers spend three nights or longer. - The number of towers given over a night will be the number of people using the room. - There will be additional charges if you add a bed (KRW 11,000). - Please contact Front Desk for room inspection before you leave the room. (Check-out time is subject to change by peak season/off-season.) - Do not use portable burners or electric cookers within the room (For safety from fire). - The unpleasant smell and sticky oil remains from cooking of meat/fish contaminate your room. For pleasant stay, Please do not cook any oily food. - Do not damage or take away room fixtures or other things (Please do not move the furniture.). - Keep valuables (cash included): Keep valuables in a cabinet within your room or ask Front Desk to keep them (There will be no compensation for lost things that have not been kept.). - Do not shout or sing aloud. - Entry into the external area outside the balcony is prohibited (Please do not go outside the balcony banister for safety.). - Handling of lost things: Lost things will be registered and kept by House Keeping. Upon request of a customer, things will be checked and delivered via courier (fees to be paid upon arrival). - If you have an inquiry about lost things, give your reservation number and room number for speedy confirmation. - Acquired things will be destroyed based on the Lost Articles Act or delivered to the responsible police office (Jeongseon Police Office) every Monday. - However, there may be changes based on the contract as for group reservations. - Matters to be complied with by customers - For more convenient and pleasant facility use while you stay at High1 Resort, the fixed numbers of room users have been arranged as follows. - Additional charges will be imposed as follows for the number of people exceeding the fixed number of people. Your cooperation will be highly appreciated. - Types/52m?99m?115m?165, 198m?297,330m? - fixed number/2/4/5/6/8 - Max. of 3 persons/4/6/7/8/10 - An extra charge of KRW 5,000 for one person exceeding the fixed number of people to use a room will be imposed. - If the fixed number of users is exceeded, there will be no additional kitchenware (rice bowl, soup bowl and spoon/chopstick set). - If the number of people exceeds a prescribed number, the charge does not include bedding materials and towels. - Additional bedding material: KRW 11,000 per room / Additional towel (per one): KRW 1,000 (Small), KRW 2,000 (Large)