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Restriction on Entrance/Cancelation of Restriction on Entrance

Ensuring a Healthier Casino Lifestyle

Housing 200 table game stations, 1,360 slot machine and video game units, and boasting the largest facilities in Korea, Kangwon Land Casino grants admission to both Korean and foreign visitors alike. Offering unparalleled grandeur and resplendent interiors, service from kind dealers, a variety of free beverages, and fantastic convenience and comfort to visitors allowing them to enjoy fun, healthy gaming culture.

What are Casino Admission Restrictions?

Admission is restricted pursuant to the Casino Business Agreements and the Casino Admission Control Guidelines. Restrictions are classified by family request, player request, and general (Rule Violations), which are defined as follows:

카지노 출입제한- 제한종류에 대한 설명
Family-requested admission restriction Restriction for casino admission as requested by spouse and direct family members Direct family members : Grandparents, parents, children (Minors not eligible for request)
Player-requested admission restriction Casino admission restricted at a player’s own request
General (rule violations) admission restriction Admission is restricted following a confirmed violation of the rules. EX) Seat sale deals, violation of betting rules, commotion, act of violence, loan sales, language abuse against staff, and harassment