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Big Wheel

Enjoy all of our table games together with our dealers!

빅휠 사진

It is a game that can test the customer’s luck. It has a high payout and is easy to learn,

and can be easily found in numerous casinos as the game itself is adept at expressing the festive nature of casinos. Big Wheel is also called Big Siz, Wheel of Fortune, or Money Wheel.

Game Progress

  1. When the players have finished placing their bets, the dealer calls “No More Bet”, and spins the wheel.
  2. The dealer calls the symbol where the leather belt goes over the separator and makes a final stop. (If the leather belt stops in the middle of the separator, the winning number is determined by the direction of the wheel.)
  3. The dealer must proceed the game so that a certain player’s betting does not get in the way of other player’s betting.
  4. If the rotation is interrupted on purpose, by accident, or by an obstacle, a “No Game” is declared.
  5. The winning bets will be paid according to the set payout.
  6. No player may place a new bet until the dealer finishes paying out.

Game Rules


  • All players must place their bets on the exact location of the layout, and the bettings placed on a place where it can be mistaken will not be counted.
  • All bets placed after the dealer calls “No More Bet” will not be counted, and the betting amount will be returned.
  • Players must observe the indicated betting limit.


배당 - 베팅구별 (실버, 골드, 에메랄드, 다이아몬드, 크리스탈, 조커, 메가) 배분, 배당률 정보
Betting Zone Silver Gold Emerald Diamond Crystal Joker Mega
Distribution 24 15 7 4 2 1 1
Payout 1:1 1:2 1:5 1:10 1:20 1:40 1:40