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Game Method

Score your lucky jackpot on one of our machine games!

Game Method

Slot Machine


  • A CASH OUT Release of exclusive tickets when the game is over
  • B BET ONE Selection of betting when playing a game
  • C SPIN Proceeding the game with the selected betting
  • D BET MAX Maximum betting game continued
  • E Paper Money Inlet All types of paper money (KRW) and exclusive tickets can be inserted
  • F PAY LINE Relevant marks to be given if the pay-table is consistent with the symbol

Video Game

비디오 게임

  • A CASH OUT Release of exclusive tickets when the game is over
  • B 1,2,3,4,5 Selection of betting lines when playing a game
  • C SPIN Proceeding the game with the selected betting
  • D BET MAX Maximum betting game continued
  • E Paper Money Slot All types of paper money (KRW) and exclusive tickets can be inserted
  1. Insert your paper money or exclusive tickets into the paper money slot.
  2. Use the button to select betting units or amount.
  3. Press the Start button or pull the handle on the right side of the machine. This will make the reel rotate for you to play the game. Based on the results, you will receive money according to the table of distribution of money.
  4. When finishing the game, press the CASH OUT button to have the money remaining in the machine returned as exclusive tickets.
  5. Tickets taken out can be exchanged for cash at the ticket exchange or by using a machine ticket ATM.
  • The method of gaming for video games is same to the method used for reel machines. You can continue your game through the video screen.
  • Button composition and location may differ by machine manufacturer. If you have an inquiry about the method of gaming and need details, please contact our employee from Machine Sales Team.
  • Exclusive Ticket
    • You can exchange your exclusive tickets with cash at Ticket Exchange or Machine Ticket ATM within the casino. You can also use it via machines. You cannot use the ticket on sites other than the company’s casino.
    • Your exclusive ticket is effective for 200 days from the date of issuance. Any ticket which has passed the term shall be separately checked upon payment.