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Grand Hotel (Convention Tower)

Check the comprehensive usage fees for High1 Resort!

How to enjoy at High1 Resort more inexpensively!
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High1 Grand Hotel Convention Tower - Rate

이용요금 -객실명, 객실코드, 객실수, 인원, 면적(㎡), 이용요금 항목으로 구성
Room Type Room Code No. of Rooms Persons Floor Area(㎡) Fee(KRW)
Royal Suite Room ROS 1 4 478.4 8, 500, 000
Executive Luxury Suite Room ELS 2 2 130.9 2, 400, 000
Luxury Suite Room LSD 5 2 84.1 700, 000
LST 1 2 86.0 700, 000
LSO 2 3 88.5 700, 000
Superior Room SPD 48 2 42.1 320, 000
SPT 89 2 42.1 320, 000
SPR 44 3 42.1 340, 000
SPO 11 3 42.1 340, 000
SDO 33 4 42.1 360, 000

The price above includes tax.