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Kangwonland Addiction Care Center

We Are Here With You! - KL Addiction Care Center
Kangwon Land established the Kangwon Land Addiction Care Center (KLACC) on September 25, 2001 as Korea’s first gambling addiction care center. The center aims to deal with various gambling problems and adverse side effects of the speculating business, to minimize social issues by carrying out prevention and healing activities for gambling addiction, and to fulfil its social responsibility toward sufferers of gambling addiction. The KLACC focuses on addiction prevention and healing support programs, and conducts research on problems associated with gambling addiction. In addition, the KLACC provides online and offline counseling services run by its professional counsellors; and supports 100% of the medical expenses through its connections with the relevant expert hospitals and clinics.
  • Free counseling on gambling addiction
  • Gambling addiction healing programs
  • Gambling addiction research activities
  • Gambling addiction prevention and promotion programs
  • Gambling addiction prevention education for the local community and youth