공익신고센터 IR자료실 지속가능경보고서 인재채용 찾아오시는 길
2007년의 연혁
  • 12MONTH
    • Kangwon Land records 3.6 million visitors per year (890,000 in families)
    • Kangwon Land achieves 1 trillion won in sales and 2 trillion won in capital for the first time since establishment
  • 11MONTH
    • "2007 Social Contribution Company Award" in the area of regional economic development
  • 10MONTH
    • High 1 Judo Team established
  • 03MONTH
    • High 1 Ski Resort records 430,000 visitors in the first year
  • 12MONTH
    • Kangwon Land and High 1 Ski Resort open condominiums and offer Korea’s first ski train. The Kangwon Land Ice Hockey Team wins the National Championship in its third year.
  • 11MONTH
    • Kangwon Land announces its vision: 'Korea's Representative Brand in the Culture & Tourism Industry'
    • Kangwon Land achieves its first no-conflict negotiation between the labor and management
  • 08MONTH
    • Kangwon Land Hotel records its highest sales since establishment
  • 06MONTH
    • Kangwon Land employees sign the Transparent Society Agreement with cooperating companies Kangwon Land Seoul Office and the Korea Gambling Addiction Prevention & Treatment Center relocated
  • 05MONTH
    • Kangwon Land launches a corporate management innovation campaign
  • 07MONTH
    • Kangwon Land opens High 1 Golf Course
  • 03MONTH
    • Special Act on Development Support for Abandoned Mines enacted (Prescription extended to 2015.12.31)
  • 11MONTH
    • [Forum on Globalization of Gangwon Tourism] hosted
  • 10MONTH
    • 5 million visitors
  • 09MONTH
    • High 1 Ice Hockey Team established
  • 08MONTH
    • Construction of High 1 Ski Resort started
  • 07MONTH
    • Gambling Addiction Center opens an office in Seoul
  • 02MONTH
    • The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism enganges casino license (32 more tables)
  • 12MONTH
    • Groundbreaking ceremony for High 1 Ski Resort
  • 11MONTH
    • Stock dividends in face value (5,000 won per share →500 won)
  • 09MONTH
    • Listed on the stock market
  • 04MONTH
    • Kangwon Land Hotel, Casino, and Theme Park opened
  • 05MONTH
    • Ranked 44th among the Top 100 Large Corporations of 2001 in Hankyung Business Weekly
  • 10MONTH
    • Listed on KOSDAQ
  • 09MONTH
    • Korea Prevention and Cure Center for Gambling Problems opened
  • 10MONTH
    • Small Casino Hotel opened
  • 08MONTH
    • Construction of Main Casino Hotel started and construction of Small Casino Hotel completed