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Stress Relief and Fatigue Recovery at Once!

힐렉스 장소 사진

HEALREX is a compound word meaning that healing removes tension and enables you to take a rest.
HEALREX uses four circulatory programs to stabilize your body and mind tired from daily works. The program is excellent in removal of stress and recovery from fatigue.

Healrex Program Introduction

  • Aqua Bed 30 min.
    아쿠아 베드 사진
    Water jet massage system through a spray nozzle that moves from the head to the end of the feet with warm water
    EffectsRelieves muscle pain, backache, and stress
  • Illite Dome 30 min.
    일라이트돔 사진
    They are clay minerals, which is defined as porous micaceous mineral, and is an item that gives the feelings and effects of having a sauna in the woods with far-infrared radiation, anion, and phytoncide radiation
    EffectsDischarge wastes and heavy metals, relieves stress and muscle pain, and increase immunity
  • Oxygen Capsule 30 min.
    산소캡슐 사진
    Oxygen is an item that burns body fat of the whole body, revitalizes metabolism, and decomposes and removes the lactic acid in the blood, thus has excellent effect in relieving fatigue
    EffectsRelieving fatigue, revitalizes metabolism, relieves stress
  • Massage Chair + LED Mask 30 min.
    릴렉스 뷰티 사진
    • Massage Chair : A relax item through various massaging system
    • LED Mask : Skin beauty item using visible ray and near-infrared ray
    EffectsRelieves muscle pain and stress, resolves fatigue, removes wastes, soothes skin, and relieves acne

힐렉스 이용 시 전용 힐링복과 개인 락커가 제공됩니다. (락커 샤워시설 구비)

Guide to Using Healrex

힐렉스 이용안내 - 구분, 4코스, 3코스, 2코스, 1코스의 요금, 이용시간, 비고 정보 제공
Types Course 4 Course 3 Course 2 Course 1 Note
Prices (KRW) 55,000 45,000 30,000 15,000 You may select the course
Usage Hours 120min 90min 60min 30min 30 minutes per course
  • Reservation required for Healrex
  • hose who are pregnant, children who are 13 or under, and those who are drunk, on a period, or having cardiovascular disease or skin disease should refrain from using this facility.
  • Reservation/Inquiries: 033-590-3765

Healrex Reservation Time table

Reservation Time
09:10 09:50 10:30 11:10
11:50 12:30 13:10 13:50
14:30 15:10 15:50 16:30
  • Please refer to the reservation time as above.
  • The maximum number of reservations per time is six.
  • Please enter 10 minutes before the reservation time

Healrex Discount Information

힐렉스 할인정보 - 구분, 할인율, 적용범위, 비고 정보제공
Classification Discount Rate Range of Application Note
Discount for the Elderly 20% 65 or older / Oneself Carry an ID card
Discount for Season Pass Oneself Carry Season Pass / Receipt from Inside
Discount for Hotel Guests Oneself Reservation SMS Message, Room Key