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Exotic Experience

This is an exotic experience zone for children.

데이베드, 썬베드 사진

There are cabana/sunbed zones in many spots of High1 Water World. They are very much appreciated by customers coming along with friends and family members.

Guide to Use

{이용안내} - 운영시간, 대여안내, 당일 현장 대여만 가능합니다., 문의전화
Valid Hours Same as Valid Hours for Indoors of Each Season
Rental Guide Paid Facility
You may only rent for the day at the site.
Inquiries 033-590-3712


{위치 안내} - 구분, 위치, 수량, 내용
Types Location Quantity Details
Carp Feeding Experience Indoors Around 10 Family Zone
Carp Feeding Bottle Giving Experience
Dinguler 2 sets


{가격안내} - 구분, 위치, 수량, 내용
Types Prices (KRW) Note
Carp Feeding Experience All Seasons KRW 3,000 Separate Deposit KRW 5,000
Carp Feeding Bottle Giving Experience KRW 5,000
Dinguler 5min: KRW 3,000 / 10min: KRW 5,000