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Usage Method

9-step Guide to Using High1 Water World

  • STEP 01 Tickets
    Purchase tickets / Issue locker number
  • STEP 02 Entrance Gate
    Check tickets and prohibited goods
  • STEP 03 Shoe Locker
    Check locker number and use locker keys
  • STEP 04 Charging/Pay Station
    Charge water coins
    It is a pre-paid system in which you charge certain amount to your locker keys and use them in food and beverage shops, gift shops, and rental shops.
    ※Please pay extra attention as you will be charged KRW 20,000 if you lose the locker key.
  • STEP 05 Dressing Room
    Store clothes at dressing room
    B1F Locker for Four Season / 2F Locker for Hot Season
  • STEP 06 Using Water World
    Enjoying Water World (Move to B1F)
    Indoors (Family Zone / Outdoors (Island Zone, Poseidon Zone)
  • STEP 07 Dressing Room
    Use shower and dressing room
  • STEP 08 Charging/Pay Station
    Refund after checking the remaining amount
    ※Need the card that you used to make payment: Cancel the entire charged amount, and then reapprove the used amount
  • STEP 09 Return the shoes and exit
    ※Use locker keys after making the payment (If the payment is not made, the locker keys would not function)