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Working Hours

Please make sure to check the valid hours.

Classification Low Season Middle Season High Season
Dates ~ 05.03 05.04 ~ 05.31 06.01 ~ 07.05
Indoor Zone 10:00 ~ 18:00 10:00 ~ 19:00 09:00 ~ 20:00
Outdoor Zone Only Euro Spa is operated
11:00 ~ 17:00
11:00 ~ 16:00 10:00 ~ 16: 00
Slides Indoors: 10:30 ~ 17:00
Outdoors: Not operated
Indoors: 10:30 ~ 18:00
Outdoors: 11:00 ~ 16:00
Outdoors: Poseidon Slides (Blaster, Bowl) are not operated
Indoors: 09:30 ~ 19:00
Outdoors: 10:00 ~ 16:00
  • ※ Outdoor slides will be operated alternatively.
  • ※ Times are subject to change. Please recheck on the day of your visit.
  • ※ Certain indoor/outdoor facilities and food and beverage stores may not be operating due to reasons such as maintenance.
  • ※ The valid hours of High1 Water World are flexible such as opening early or extending business hours depending on sunset and weather conditions.
  • ※ Closing time is your exit time.
  • ※ The entry for indoor/outdoor slides will be closed based on the time that the last boarding customer arrives.