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This is an individual rest area where you can spend some time alone in comfort.

데이베드, 썬베드 사진

There are cabana/sunbed zones in many spots of High1 Water World. They are very much appreciated by customers coming along with friends and family members.

Guide to Use

{이용안내} - 운영시간, 대여안내, 당일 현장 대여만 가능합니다., 문의전화
Valid Hours Same as Valid Hours for Indoors/Outdoors of Each Season
Rental Guide Paid Facility
You may only rent for the day at the site.
Inquiries 033-590-3712


{위치안내} - 구분, 썬베드, 데이베드
Types Location Quantity Details
Sun Bed Indoors and Outdoors 500 amily Zone / Island Zone / Poseidon Zone
Day Bed Indoors 2 Family Zone


{가격안내} - 구분, 요금(주중, 주말(공휴일)), 비고 정보제공
Price (KRW) Note
Weekdays Weekends (Holidays)
Sun Bed Other Seasons 10,000 15,000 Separate Deposit KRW 5,000
Gold Season 20,000
Day Bed Other Seasons 60,000 80,000 Separate Deposit KRW 10,000
Gold Season 120,000